
Award-winning story!

So excited to announce, Howling at the Moon, took 2nd place in the Writers' Guild of Alberta's Kemosa Scholarship Contest. I've been using the funds to strengthen my craft by taking creative writing courses at the University of Calgary.

Click here to find out more about this bewitching tale.

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#1 Amazon best-seller

Two of my short stories, Life's Nectar and Forevermore, are now available in the anthology, Above and Beneath—the world of angels and demons. This anthology launched at the top of Amazon's charts as number #1 best-selling book.

I look forward to writing more stories and books for fans soon!

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Artwork on display

Check out some of my latest canvases and tapestries that have been on display at various art shows in Calgary.

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Get your FREE copy of my award-winning book.

If you're a page-turning fan of my stories, you can get additional snippets here that you won't find anywhere else. Join today and get an ebook copy of my newest story, Howling at the Moon, for signing up!